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MACHIYA Vegetarian Cafe Restaurant

Welcome To The Ancient Japanese Traditional Wooden House MACHIYA

A perfect combination of space, quality of drinks, foods, aesthetics and service

About Machiya

Machiya (町家) is the familiar name of the ancient Japanese traditional wooden houses often seen in Japanese movies or on the time-stained old streets of Kyoto or Kanazawa. The word "Machiya" is a combination of two words: "machi" (町) means "town", and "ya" means "house" (家).

Lấy cảm hứng từ những ngôi nhà gỗ đậm chất truyền thống Nhật Bản cổ xưa, MACHIYA Vegetarian Cafe Restaurant mang đến khái niệm chân thật hơn về sự ấm áp, nhẹ nhàng qua thực đơn món ăn chay đa dạng, các món thức uống, hay trong từng không gian được đầu tư thiết kế tỉ mỉ và các món đồ gốm sứ, chén dĩa, thủ công mỹ nghệ tinh tế, độc đáo.

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At Machiya

Vegetarian Restaurant

MACHIYA not only exudes aesthetic sophistication but also emphasizes the element of harmony with nature, heaven and earth, where you can watch the four seasons rotating through the main design materials used from Brown and red rustic wood, and outstanding open space in front.

The vegetarian menu at Machiya is both sophisticated and diverse with quality ingredients, providing healthy, frugal meals. Fasting to bring happiness to yourself and pray for peace and good things for your family.

We wish to become a place that nurtures the soul of each customer, together towards a source of abundant positive energy, peace, gentleness and serenity under the shade of love and the source of Dharma happiness.



Reserve a Table at Machiya

Contact Us

178 Pasteur, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC

0938 682 698

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

Opening Hour

Monday - Sunday:

11:00 am – 11:00 pm

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